Wednesday, September 19, 2007

hannah kek su en(:
my darling who is going to come out soon!
i love her so so so much.
can't wait to see her!
my niece.

i'm letting go.
words can't change what i think?
maybe it's because it was too late.
come on, it's just so obvious.
me = donuts.
nothing can change that too.
so give me reason why i shouldn't feel that way.
because you treated me in some way else?
like besides talking about donuts.
like besides putting my name on the blog because i gave you donuts.
like besides the fact that i'm always linked to donuts in your life.
i have other people who strangely love me more in some way else even though i mean donuts to them too.
go to malaysia.
and just give me 3 messages every 2 weeks.
it's enough for me.

she chases away the blues you created in my life.


Yuan Xue Lian said...

hello hello!

lakshmi(: said...

hello((: long since i last talked to you.. hahas.. miss you! ... lalalas..

lost&hopeless said...
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